I did something wonderful this morning. I deliberately chose to look 10 years older during the day and ...

False Rabbit - As a spy at the top chefs. A delightful book about the most beautiful thing in the world.

Bad Rabbit #gourmetguerilla This morning I did something wonderful. I deliberately chose to look 10 years older during the day and read another chapter in the book that just makes me happy. You can not have everything. But at the crucial moment, set priorities. So I skipped the standard decorative business face painting and instead read Ruth Reichl's "Bad Bunny" for another 10 minutes. A blatant decision, so without highlighter under the eyes - I know. But it was great and was well worth it.

Because I am very much in love with this book. My friend Miriam had pushed it over the table on our joint restaurant visit last Friday with a conspiratorial smile in wrapping paper. "You will love it," she said. "You will not want to put it down and in the end you want to leave for New York right away." What can I say - it will probably just happen. At least the first part of the prophecy has already been fulfilled. Because I have just arrived on page 135 and do not want to put it out of hand.

After a restless night full of strange dreams, rolling around in half asleep and mind-spirits, I have the light this morning at 5 sigh turned on. If you can not sleep, then you can do something productive after all. So I grabbed False Rabbit and started to read. I read until the snoozing on the phone had been reported for the fourth time, I read while the kid carefully smacked his bun with avocado while man and child dressed and headed to school, and even while I worked my teeth cleaned. Then I made the decision to throw a dress over but forced the make-up for another chapter ...

What happened so far in the book: Ruth Reichl works in the early 90s quite relaxed as a restaurant critic at the Los Angeles Times when the prestigious New York Times offers to switch to the bustling metropolis . Almost overnight, she becomes one of the most influential figures in the city American restaurant scene. She is appalled to find out that the major New York restaurants are already well-acquainted with her and her family and have shared photos of her with all the staff before they start working. Everyone wants to deliver the best possible performance when Ruth tests the restaurant, because a good meeting in the New York Times is hugely important and worth the money. In contrast to her predecessor Ruth does not appreciate this kind of preferential treatment. She wants to experience the restaurants like any other guest. Therefore, she cheats the restaurant owners and slips into various disguises, which they with some pleasure and the help of a friend make-up artist to correct roles.

In their various roles, they experienced not only amusing, remarkable and Again, even humiliating visits to the first houses in the place, it also develops a whole new kind of criticism. It rates the restaurant visits from the view of normal guests, who are not particularly courted. At first she does not only meet with love. In addition, she decides to visit unknown restaurants with foreign cuisines ...

The book is about a true story. Ruth Reichl writes wonderfully colored and free from the liver. She takes us to the best restaurants in New York, tells us entertaining and never instructive about culinary experiences, challenges and fears, but also about surprising and funny experiences.A truly irresistible matter. I'm already worried because I only have two-thirds of the pages left. Because when the book is over, I have to leave for New York.

Who's coming? Order here (click).

False Rabbit Ruth Reichl

Bad Rabbit
As a spy at the top chefs
Ruth Reichl
blanvalet (Random House GmbH, Munich)
ISBN 978-442-37132-7
€ 7,95


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