Booahhh, I'm proud as Bolle! I. Have. A. Tarte. Baked. All alone. Super Duper Deluxe with self-dough in your own oven. And it was quite ...

Which gets every body - uh - Back-Klaus guaranteed: A delicious fig Gorgonzola tart

Figs Gorgonzola Tarte #recipe #gourmetguerilla Booahhh, I'm as proud as Bolle! I. Have. A. Tarte. Baked. All alone. Super Duper Deluxe with self-dough in your own oven. And it was easy. The fruity, salty-sweet figs nestle now cozy in the melting font with a subtle Gorgonzola touch. The rustic dough around it is crispy and brown ... that's great.

Guilt is the current lust for pleasure . The cover with the passion fruit tarts made me laugh in the store so much that in the short term I simply forgot my respect for puff pastry, short crust pastry, cupcakes and cake pops. To browse in journals for me is like ... well ... watch yoga videos. You feel like you are an active part of the whole thing, without ever having the sun salutation on you. There was suddenly this recipe for a hearty tart ...

And now I can just bake the sun salutation a tart. The soil is made from a few ingredients and stirred together very easily, can be rolled out very elastically *, does not have to be pre-baked or blind-baked and dissolves naturally out of shape. (* As a precaution, I rolled it out on a layer of cling film - so I could then push the dough then without major disasters in the form.) Then you spread wild a few figs on the ground and poured a cream of eggs, cream cheese and gorgonzola. Oven open - Tarte in - ready.

I'm sure you can manage that easily. The tart makes a great Easter brunch, as lunch or dinner with a green salad and is of course the blast on every buffet.

But first: fig-shoot.



Almond chips or chopped walnuts add extra crunch to the tart.

Fig Gorgonzola Tart by GourmetGuerilla #brunch #buffet #easy

Come to me, baby!

Fig Gorgonzola Tart by GourmetGuerilla # buffet #brunch #tarte

And so it goes for a tart of 24 cm Diameter:

125 g Quark
with 1 egg , 3 tablespoons milk , 3 tablespoons rapeseed Oil (or another neutral vegetable oil) and 1 teaspoon salt well. If you like, you can add 1/2 teaspoon Herbs of Provence . Knead 200 g of flour and 2 teaspoons of baking powder into the quark mixture (I was very fond of wearing disposable gloves). If the dough is very sticky, just knead in some more flour. Form the dough into a ball, cover and let rest for 10 minutes at room temperature. 150g cream cheese with 150g creamy Gorgonzola and 3 eggs and salt & pepper in a blender into a homogenous cream puree (this is also possible with a blender).

8-10 Figs Wash, pat dry and maybe cut the stem a bit. Cut the branches crosswise from top to center.

A 24 "diameter tart grease with 1-2 tablespoons oil . Roll the dough out on a layer of plastic wrap with some flour until it is about the size of the shape. Lift the dough with Hilde of the cling film, turn it over and place it over the mold. Press lightly with your fingers and pull up a reasonably regular edge.Finally, sprinkle 1 - 2 tablespoons almond sticks or chopped walnuts .

Bake at 170 degrees 45 minutes in the oven. If the tart turns brown, cover with aluminum foil or 3 layers of kitchen paper after 30 minutes.

I have to every fig 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup and a small pinch of smoked salt are scattered - this provides a great flavor kick. Those who want the tart heartier, are fried bacon or ham cubes in the cast. It tastes of a green salad with vinaigrette.

Fig Gorgonzola Tart Baking Instructions

Fig Gorgonzola Tarte #brunch #backen #Quiche

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GourmetGuerilla - Fig Gorgonzola Tart

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